Parish church St. Georg, in the heart of the old city of Freising (last week’s image was from the associated cemetery).
The banner on the tower says BEHUTE EUCH GOTT, which means “God protect you”. It was hung during the First Lockdown last March.
We are still heavily locked down, but the 7-Tage-Inzidenz (ratio of new cases per 100K residents averaged over the last seven days) for Bavaria was below 100 this week for the first time in months.

And now, please let me indulge in a rant:
I saw a rumor this week in US social media that people in Bavaria are not allowed to leave their homes without an N95 medical mask. This is not true. We are required to wear FFP2 masks in stores, medical offices, the farmers market, and public transportation. In the designated mask zone a fabric mask is sufficient. The city of Freising has done a very good job of marking where the mask is required and where I can take it off. Generally less than 10% of my walking outside requires a mask, depending on what I need to get done.
I don’t know where these things get started; things are bad enough no one needs to exaggerate. It bothers me. All the information is available in English, if you’re curious, or just ask me!
Also, dear conspiracy theorists, please stop giving the government new ideas! Viel Dank.