November 2019
Memorial Day over here feels odd; it’s just another Monday. I had an appointment and I ran an errand. Listening to Bob Uecker telling some stories and giving his annual Memorial Day reading while calling the Brewers game (3-2 walk-off in the tenth), I realized should share my 2019 pictures of the Florence American Cemetery in Tuscany, the final resting place of 4,392 Americans who gave all in WWII. The Tablets of the Missing contain 1,409 names.
The cemetery is elegantly designed and we found it very well-maintained. The site itself was liberated by a corps of South Africans fighting with the British, and the atrium with the map pays tribute to all.

November 2019
Watching over the fallen: The Spirit of Peace, accompanied by an eagle.

November 2019
Even if you can’t read Italian, it’s easy to guess what it says on the base of her pylon.

The lines are gentle. The architects were charged with creating a place of peace, and they did.

The seasons change, but not the cypress.

Mosaic inside the chapel, which contained both Christian and Jewish elements.

Standing guard.

November 2019