Saturday we met up with the tour my parents were on, and had dinner with my aunts and uncle in Alzey. The next day we brought my parents back to Freising and stopped for a walk around Nördlingen on the way home. The town is notable for still having its medieval defense wall still intact, with many of the buildings inside the wall also preserved from this period. It is located inside a crater from a large meteorite impact approximately 15 million years ago, which created some different types of stones that made the region famous hundreds of years before geologists ascertained the source of the crater. A walk through the RiesKraterMuseum explained it all, and they also have a piece of the moon brought back from Apollo 16.
I have no narrative for these photographs; they’re just things I found interesting as we walked. Mostly architectural elements, exploring line and pattern…with a couple of “normal sightseeing” images just to keep everyone from getting bored. Don’t forget you can embiggen the photos by clicking on them.

Two photos of the same house–the left is an iron grate covering a window, and the right is a painted-on window with grate to fool your eye into seeing a symmetrical house. I love it.

Heads. I believe this was the yard of an artist. Also struck me as a fun-yet-practical way to acknowledge the hordes of tourists peaking into your yard.