Somehow I managed to live here for five years without purchasing any Kümmel (caraway). It’s used in a lot of traditional Bavarian foods, but in normal times I didn’t try to make any of these at home. For example, Krustenbraten, a roasted pork dish characterized by a crispy rind that… Read more »
The beans are illegal in the United States. I am fascinated.
Yes, this is the least adventurous way to eat a (weird) vegetable.
Please enjoy this Bad Handy Foto™ journey through our Christmas Eve meal.
What American College Football sounds like in German…
People often ask if I make the usual foods for Thanksgiving. I don’t. 1) It’s a normal weekday here; and 2) the friends and family we would invite to dinner would decline most of the traditional menu–including the bird–for personal dietary reasons. I prefer to make simple meals for just… Read more »
After several enjoyable weeks of cool weather with sufficient rain, in which we did nothing remarkable, it is Hochsummer. Iowa temperatures, with additional hours of sunlight, and no air-conditioning. If anybody needs me, I’ll be flopped in front of an oscillating fan in a darkened room, sipping tap water with… Read more »
It’s the most wonderful time of the year: Krapfenzeit. Simply put, a Krapfen is a deep-fried ball of yeast dough with a fruit or cream filling. In other regions they may be called Berliner, Pfannkuchen, or Ballen, but in Bavaria and Austria they are Krapfen (I have also seen “Grapfen”… Read more »
Bad Cellphone Photo™ today of The Meat-Machine. One thing that is very different about life here compared to Iowa or Indiana is there are no 24-hour shops. Big chain stores close at 8 p.m., as required by by Bavarian law, and small local shops close at 6 (or earlier on… Read more »